Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of individual determination to overcome adversity and seek a better life.

Today, globalization, along with advances in communications and transport, has greatly increased the number of people who have the desire and capacity to move to other places.

This new era has created challenges and opportunities for societies all around the world. It has also served to underline the link between migration and development, as well as the opportunities it offers for co-development, that is, for the concerted improvement of economic and social conditions both at the place of origin and at the place of destination.

Migration is attracting increasing attention today. Mixed with factors of uncertainty, urgency and complexity, the challenges and difficulties of international migration require greater cooperation and collective action. The United Nations is actively playing a catalytic role on this issue, to create more dialogues and interactions between countries and regions, as well as to promote the exchange of experiences and opportunities for collaboration.