Earth Hour is celebrated each year on the last Saturday of March, and it consists of an electric voluntary downturn, in which people and enterprises are asked to turn off lights and electronic devices which are not essential during an hour, from 20:30 to 21:30 pm.

This act wants to raise awareness about the need of taking urgent measures to stop climate change produced by human activity. Through this act, they also want to save energy, reduce polluting emissions and reduce light pollution.

The promoters of Earth Hour assure that climate change is already a proven fact, and, if something is not done, the consequences can be devastating. The truth is that the fact of turning off the lights for an hour does not try to avoid climatic consequences, but it does seek to raise awareness in people so that their actions are more responsible with the environment.

Currently the Earth Hour movement promote direct actions to fight against climate change, sustainable lifestyles that take into account the conservation of forests, seas and natural resources.