Moved by the news of the death of Mr. Alfonso Ramonet on May 19, 2021, from Peace and Cooperation we greatly regret his loss and send our most sincere condolences to his loved ones.

In addition, on this day we would like to remember the conference “Religious Tolerance”, held in April 2019, in which we had the pleasure of having the participation of Mr. Alfonso Ramonet, Protocol Advisor of the Archdiocese of Madrid. In it he said that tolerance is possible and love needs to be sought, leaving aside any political and material ideology. Let us follow his words, seeking love and tolerance among peoples.

Peace and Cooperation

Former student of the Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo school, belonging to the Jesuits, he was linked to the Our Lady of Delights parish all his life. Since 1979, when the then Archbishop of Madrid, Monsignor Ángel Suquía, created the Vicariate of Public Acts, he was linked to it as president. Right hand of Monsignor Antonio Astillero, Episcopal Vicar of Public Acts, he was part of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for the Completion of the Works of the Almudena Cathedral.

As a contributor to Public Acts, he experienced significant moments in the history of the archdiocese, such as the visits of Saint John Paul II, the consecration and dedication of the cathedral by the Pontiff or the wedding of the current kings of Spain. During the pontificate of Cardinal Osoro he has served as the archdiocese’s protocol advisor from Institutional Acts.

Throughout his life he received numerous civil, military and ecclesiastical decorations, among them the Order of Saint Gregory the Great awarded by Pope Saint John Paul II. Very devoted to the patron saint of Madrid, he was a member of the Almudena, San Isidro, and other brotherhoods, congregations and noble associations.

Source: Archidiócesis de Madrid